Monday, July 27, 2009

It’s all about leather belts

A belt is a flexible band, typically made of leather or heavy cloth, and worn around the waist. A belt supports trousers or other articles of clothing, and it serves for style and decoration.

Belts have been documented for male clothing since the Bronze Age. Both sexes used them off and on, depending on the current fashion, but it was a rarity in female fashion with the exception of the early Middle Ages, late 17th century Mantua, and skirt/blouse combinations between 1900 and 1910. Art Nouveau belt buckles are now collector's items.

Men's belts should be fed around the waste in a clockwise direction so that the tail is pointing to the right. The convention for women is reversed. This follows many tailoring conventions where by the left side of the item of clothing overlaps the right hand side.

It is thought this convention arose in Medieval times such that Knights may fasten their buttons with their left hand while still holding a sword right-handed.

Different materials are used for the manufacturing of belts. Some are made out of leather, synthetic leather, plastic, rubber, canvass, woven textile, indigenous material, beads and metals or any combination of these. Each of these materials have their own advantages and own aesthetic appeal. Majority, however, still rely on using leather belts.

Belts made of leather are still in vogue even with the advent of belts made of newer fabrics and other materials like plastic, jute and reptile skins. However, it is very important to take very good care of leather belts, as they are more prone to deterioration than any other materials used to make belts.


1. Leather belts can come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors and decorations. Some leather belts have beading on them as you might see at a Native American Powow, others have designs cut into them, while others may even have painting on them. Leather belts come with or without buckles, some have leather straps to tie around your waist, others have a hole and a hook that grabs onto it. With the advent of the leather belt as a fashion accessory, the sky is the limit when it comes to design.

2. Leather belts can be made from many different types of animals depending on the style of belt. While most are made from cow hide as this is more readily available than most other types of leather, some are made from leather cured from a deer or elk skin, and even rabbit skin is a possibility though not as common. Even reptiles aren't left out of the realm of possibilities as evidenced by alligator skin belts.

3. Leather belts are classic pieces that never lose its touch. Leather is pliable and durable and those qualities make it ideal to used for belts. Adding to that, the leather belt has its timeless aesthetic value that livens up any ensemble. Though, the leather material could grow molds and mildew when it has not been used for a long time, it is still the most practical. The maintenance for any leather material is as simple as using them everyday or keeping them in a moisture-free place. There are also oils, balms and conditioner that can be purchased to preserve it.

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